45% discount by Oppolia Kitchens & interiors

Terms and Conditions

45 % discount at  Oppolia Kitchens & interiors Branches KSA when you pay with any of AlinmaPay cards
Offer is valid till 10 June  2025.
Offer cannot be merged with any other offer.
To benefit from the discount, please inform the cashier before payment.
There is no minimum Purchase .
There is no maximum discount.
You can use the offer multiple times.
All AlinmaPay terms and conditions are applied.
The facility reserves the right to suspend, cancel, amend or replace the offer terms and conditions at any time without sending a prior notice to the customer.


1. Riyadh - King Saud bin Abdulaziz Road - Al-Taawun District
2. Riyadh - Al-Takhasosi Road - Olaya District - opposite Panorama Mall
45% discount by  Oppolia Kitchens & interiors

Register a Complaint

The complaint process can be completed by following the following steps:

1. Fill in the form for submitting complaints and explaining its reasons, along with writing the details of the complaint and the date and time of its occurrence.

2. Submit the complaint.

3. The complaint will be answered within five working days from the date of its receipt.

Or you can contact us by calling us at

From inside KSA : 8004339000

From outside KSA : 966920000670

You can also follow us on social media

* Maximum number of characters is 3000

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